Canadian Express Collection Agency


Canadian Express Collection Agency Inc. 416-900-6036


Oakville Collection Agencies

Oakville, Ontario has a population of 182,520 people. It is a city that is rich in industry with companies such as Goodrich Landing Gear, Siemens and SNC Lavalin calling it home. Where there is big business such as this, collection agencies also have a home as part of the industry.

The main reason that you should be utilizing an Oakville collection agency is simply because you are not being paid. Some of your clients do not have a healthy flow of cash and this causes a problem for you and your business. Many people have a certain amount of money that they can pay out each month. If your company does not supply them electricity, water or a roof over their head, it goes into the “I will pay them later” stack of bills.  If your customer is another business and you are not a supplier that provides them with urgent services, your payment will go into the “I will pay them much later” stack. The thing you should understand though is that you do not have to wait to be paid at the customer’s discursion.  Do not wait months of not getting paid before you contact an Oakville debt recovery agency.

Even if you would rather not involve an Oakville collection agency, think of it like this. You are a business, not a loan company, and in essence, a customer who will not pay you on time is asking you to become a small loans officer. You have worked hard to build up your own credit and should not allow your customers to downgrade it by not holding up their end of the deal. This is what Oakville debt collectors are for, so use them to keep your own interests a priority.

When you utilize a collection agency in Oakville, you are more likely to get your money from non-paying customers. Sure, you can send out letters demanding payment, but when they get a letter from an Oakville collector it will carry more weight. People take collection agencies more seriously and fear what will happen if they continue to refuse to make their payments. Oakville collection agents know how to play the game and they will use their collection techniques to get your money while following the rules and regulations of debt collecting to a tee. What more reason could you possible need to choose to work with an Oakville collection agency?

We collect your debt anywhere in Ontario including but not limited to these areas:
French River Gordon/Barrie Island Greenstone Grey Highlands Hastings Highlands Highlands East Huron East Huron Shores Killarney Kincardine

We also cover all the major cities in Ontario:

BarrieBramptonBrantfordBurlingtonCambridgeGuelphHamiltonKingstonKitchenerLondonMarkhamMississaugaNiagara FallsNorth BayNorth YorkOshawaOttawaPeterborough PickeringThunder BayTorontoVaughanWaterlooWindsor