Canadian Express Collection Agency


Canadian Express Collection Agency Inc. 416-900-6036


Aurora Collection Agency

Aurora, Ontario has a population of 53,203 as of 2011. Their main industry is the manufacturing of automobile parts through the company Magna International.

It can be a real trial to get clients to pay their bills, and many companies struggle when it comes to Aurora debt recovery. By using commercial collection agencies in Aurora, your company can get assistance in helping collect past due debts which can mean the difference between growth and failure. An agency such as this can help a variety of companies recover unpaid monies. They can help landlords with a large amount of property collect overdue rental payments. They can help car dealerships get the money that is owed to them. Plus, many finance companies employ the services of Aurora debt collection agencies to help them recover money from personal and business loans which have gone into default.

Using a commercial debt collection agency is far more beneficial to a company than taking back the item for which the money is owed, or auctioning off the item for which the money is owed. When the latter two choices are made, the company runs a high risk of losing profits as they will typically not get an amount that is close to what the debt is worth. Overall, an Aurora debt collection agency can help any type of organization that has having trouble collecting on unpaid bills. From credit cards to doctor’s offices, Aurora commercial debt collectors will work for the best interests of your company.

The key to getting your money from clients who have not been paying on time, is handing the account over to the debt collection agency before it becomes too late. If there are accounts that are over a year old, the chances of getting paid are slim to none. It is preferable that you contact a collection agency when an account becomes no more than sixty days overdue. This gives the collection agency a fighting chance at getting your money for you and shows the default client that you are indeed serious about collecting what is owed to you. By going through the debt recovery system, your clients will be less likely to have delinquent bills in the future, so the service helps both the company and the client.

If you have unpaid accounts piling up, do not wait. Get an Aurora commercial collection agency involved now, before it is too late.

If your business is located in any of the following areas and would like to get a free quote with our collection agency, please visit our website at:

We collect your debt anywhere in Ontario including but not limited to these areas:
Hanover Hawkesbury Hearst Huntsville Ingersoll Innisfil Iroquois Falls Kapuskasing Kearney

We also cover all the major cities in Ontario:

BarrieBramptonBrantfordBurlingtonCambridgeGuelphHamiltonKingstonKitchenerLondonMarkhamMississaugaNiagara FallsNorth BayNorth YorkOshawaOttawaPeterborough PickeringThunder BayTorontoVaughanWaterlooWindsor