Canadian Express Collection Agency


Canadian Express Collection Agency Inc. 416-900-6036


Collection Agency North York

A third party collection agency is a company that had no connection to the original transaction which resulted in a debt.  The North York collection agencies are third party collection agencies. They serve a vital need in the economy.

When a business allows consumers or other businesses to buy products or services on credit, there will be some of that debt that becomes delinquent. Hiring credit collection services is the best option instead of spending its time attempting to collect these monies and constrained by laws.

By providing these delinquent accounts to third party collection agencies, like the North York collection agency, more money is recovered than otherwise would be if collected by the company that provided the credit. The collection agencies of North York are trained and experienced.  They use the latest technology and methods to recover as much of the delinquent accounts as possible.

They start with a letter informing the debtor of the representation, and move on to phone calls.  These letters have been developed over years of experience.  The phone calls are also experience tested.  These professional treat each debtor with respect.  First, everyone deserves to be treated that way.  Second, there is the attempt to make the debtor, consumer or business, remain as a loyal customer of the company that gave them credit.