Canadian Express Collection Agency


Canadian Express Collection Agency Inc. 416-900-6036


Collections Agency

Every business representing you can be and should be judged on a broad range of criteria to ensure that your rights are protected, your property and money is collected rightfully, and you are represented in a professional and ethical manner.  Having your rights protected by a Collections Agency is no different.

The quality of businesses and the way they comport themselves in public vary widely.  You would not retain an attorney or physician who speaks unpleasantly in public, or swears and speaks in a foul manner, or speaks with an associate of yours in a manner that is embarrassing, etc.  You also do not want a business representing you that does not follow the law, and whose behavior could result in allegations of wrongdoing and can result in penalties and damages against you for their actions, whether or not you knew of them.

Always pick a perfect agency for collection.  The type of treatment a debtor receives can cause problems so that the debtor’s complaints and charges about mistreatment and abuse may be wrongfully directed against you, because you are the entity that hired the unprofessional and wrong-acting agency for your collection of business.  Agency of Collection choose by you should be do their best to represent you, but there is never a good reason for abusive or harassing behavior, and the best thing you can do for yourself is to find a professional and ethical Collections agency to represent your interests.  An unprofessional Collections Agency Canada is usually worse than none at all.