Canadian Express Collection Agency


Canadian Express Collection Agency Inc. 416-900-6036


Hamilton Collection Agencies

Hamilton, Ontario has a population of 670,580 people. The largest industry in Hamilton is manufacturing. It is one of Ontario’s most industrial cities and is known as the Steel Capital of Canada. With this much industry, collection agencies in Hamilton are vital to good business.

When it comes to Hire Hamilton collection agencies, it is the responsibility of the business to hire one that will handle things in a professional and ethical manner. With so many Hamilton collection agencies, how do you know which one to choose? The following is information on choosing the best collection agency in Hamilton to suit your needs.

The number one rule is to make sure the collection agency is licensed before you begin a business relationship. This is very important as you will be held liable for any wrong doing if they are not licensed. Wrong doings would fall under the category of a client accusing them of harassing behavior. If the non-licensed agency is found guilty of a charge such as this, your company may have to pay up to $50,000 in fines. Even if they are licensed, make sure that they are licensed in your area.

The next thing you want in a Hamilton Collection agency is for them to be bonded and insured. The reason behind this is that if the agency is ever sued by one of the clients you are trying to collect from , you will have to pay the costs of the law suit. Also be sure to get a hold harmless agreement contract signed so you ensure that your company is protected from being held legally liable for actions taken by the Hamilton debt recovery agency. If this is not put in legal writing, you could become equally responsible for any actions that are taken in an unethical manner.

When interviewing a collection agency in Hamilton, be sure to talk upfront about their fees. While most collection agencies have to policy that if they do not collect for you, they do not get paid, not all of them work like this. A policy like this ensures that they will work their hardest to get your money since they do not get paid until they do. If this is not the policy of the agency you are trying to deal with, the next best thing is applying fixed costs. This too increases the chances of debt recovery and even if you cannot get all that you are owed, some is always better than nothing.

We collect your debt anywhere in Ontario including but not limited to these areas:
Iroquois Falls Kapuskasing Kearney Kingsville Kirkland Lake Lakeshore LaSalle Latchford Laurentian Hills Lincoln

We also cover all the major cities in Ontario:

BarrieBramptonBrantfordBurlingtonCambridgeGuelphHamiltonKingstonKitchenerLondonMarkhamMississaugaNiagara FallsNorth BayNorth YorkOshawaOttawaPeterborough PickeringThunder BayTorontoVaughanWaterlooWindsor