Canadian Express Collection Agency


Canadian Express Collection Agency Inc. 416-900-6036


Mississauga Collection Agencies

Mississauga, Ontario has a population of 717,443 people and is the number 37 on the list of most populated suburbs in the entire world. More than 60 of the listed fortune 500 companies call Mississauga their home base and this makes Mississauga a city that is in need of collection services.

When you are the head of a large company, it is inevitable that there will be some unpaid customer debt. Maybe it is a lot of debt! If you are having a hard time getting your customers to cooperate with you on their payment promises, you can take them to court or try arbitration or mediation. However, this can be time consuming and it may not end up in your favor. The good thing is that there is another alternative. This alternative is selling your overdue debts to Mississauga collection agencies.

A professional Mississauga debt collection agency can help you with charged off delinquent debt. They can buy the monies on the nonpaying accounts and take them off your hands. The purpose of this is to get more money out of the deal and this is more profitable in some situations where overdue debts are involved. This is especially true when the debts are for credit cards and telecom businesses. While you may not be able to get them to pay, trained professional debt collectors in Mississauga can get the job done. If you have unpaid debts from student loans and/or medical bills, these are also good candidates for selling to collection agencies.

Why would a Mississauga collection agency want to buy overdue debts from other companies? Well, skilled professionals in this line of work know that the chance of getting the debts recovered are higher when they use their special knowledge and techniques. Because of this, they know that buying other companies debts can be extremely profitable. They can pay Company A $5,000 for their unpaid debt collections that add up to 50,000, and have a good chance of collecting $25,000 off of them. This is the route that many businesses take when they have come to the end of their rope with trying to get their customers to pay off their debt. They get some money for the debt and the Mississauga collection agency may get even more than they paid for the debt in the first place; everyone wins!

We collect your debt anywhere in Ontario including but not limited to these areas:
Brampton West Grey West Nipissing West Perth Whitestone Durham Halton Niagara Peel Waterloo York

We also cover all the major cities in Ontario:

BarrieBramptonBrantfordBurlingtonCambridgeGuelphHamiltonKingstonKitchenerLondonMarkhamMississaugaNiagara FallsNorth BayNorth YorkOshawaOttawaPeterborough PickeringThunder BayTorontoVaughanWaterlooWindsor