Canadian Express Collection Agency


Canadian Express Collection Agency Inc. 416-900-6036


Oshawa Collection Agencies

Oshawa, Ontario has a population of 149,607 people.   Their largest industry comes in the form of General Motors Canada which employs a large amount of the people of Oshawa. With a company this size, having collection agencies in Oshawa is vital to the business economy.

If you have written letters, made phone calls and even held personal meetings with clients who have refused to make good on their bad or overdue debt, you may be considering one of two options; hiring an attorney to sue for your money, or hiring an Oshawa collection agency to help you collect your money. Both options may help you to be successful in collecting overdue debts, but which one is more viable for your situation?

Hiring an attorney is a good way to get the job done. However, at what cost are you getting your money at? Attorney fees can really pile up, and before you know it, your attorney fees may become higher than the money you were trying to collect in the first place. This is why it is typically a better idea to go with a debt recovery service in Oshawa.

The first and best reason to hire an Oshawa debt recovery agency is that if they do not collect on your bad debts, they do not get paid. This gives the agency the proper motivation to do all that they can to recover your overdue accounts. This may be the way some attorneys work too, but many of them charge you outright just for their time and it does not matter if they win your case or not. You could hire an attorney as a way to bluff your non-paying clients, but if that does not work, you have just made a very expensive bluff!

If you are not willing to actually haul your customers into court, it is best to use an Oshawa collection agency. They can do much of the same things an attorney can do without you having to pay the price of using an attorney. An Oshawa collection agent will make the same phone calls, send the same letters and use pretty much the same tactics that an attorney will. So do not wait until your overdue accounts get even older; get in touch with a debt collection agency now and get on the right road to recovering the money you are owed!

We collect your debt anywhere in Ontario including but not limited to these areas:
Callander Calvin Central Elgin Central Huron Central Manitoulin Centre Hastings Charlton and Dack Chatham-Kent Clarington Dutton/Dunwich

We also cover all the major cities in Ontario:

BarrieBramptonBrantfordBurlingtonCambridgeGuelphHamiltonKingstonKitchenerLondonMarkhamMississaugaNiagara FallsNorth BayNorth YorkOshawaOttawaPeterborough PickeringThunder BayTorontoVaughanWaterlooWindsor