Canadian Express Collection Agency


Canadian Express Collection Agency Inc. 416-900-6036


Pickering Collection Agencies

Pickering, Ontario has a population of 88,721 people. This large city is home to a nuclear faculty that holds eight reactors. In addition to his, there are pharmaceutical companies, industrial water purification companies and companies that deal in electrical equipment. In Pickering, collection agencies are of the utmost importance.

All companies face issues with unpaid customer accounts at one time or another, but not all companies realize the importance of using Pickering collection agencies to collect on these unpaid accounts. These are the companies that do not fully understand the purpose of Pickering debt recovery agencies.

Pickering debt collectors serve as a third party to act in behalf of companies who need to collect debts. They are very beneficial to those who do not have the time, manpower or experience to do this type of work themselves.

As a business owner, when you involve a Pickering debt collector in your affairs, you are giving them the job of collecting your unpaid debt for you and this takes a lot off of your shoulders. Pickering collection agency offer you specialized services that deal with all the proper techniques to help you get the money you are owed. They are staffed with people who have been trained in the business of collecting debts and know how to negotiate in a professional manner. Being a Pickering debt collector takes patience and this is not something all business owners have. When a collector calls a customer to demand payment, the customer may not be very friendly. This is especially true when attempting to collect from individuals. When this type of call occurs, it is important for the Pickering debt collector to keep their cool and stay professional; something that may be difficult for the person to whom the money is owed. This is one of the best purposes that debt collectors serve. They act as a third party buffer between you and your non paying clients/customers. Having someone else involved can help you get your money and keep the relationship you had with your client or customer salvageable. This is important for the possibility of future transactions.

Another purpose that collection agencies serve is keeping things legal. As a business owner, you know your business well. What you may not know is the legalities of the collection business. By hiring a collection agency in Pickering, you are protecting yourself from any legal action that your clients may be able to take against you for not following the proper protocol.

We collect your debt anywhere in Ontario including but not limited to these areas:

Brant – Bruce – Dufferin – Elgin – Essex – Frontenac – Grey – Haldimand – Haliburton – Hastings

We also cover all the major cities in Ontario:

BarrieBramptonBrantfordBurlingtonCambridgeGuelphHamiltonKingstonKitchenerLondonMarkhamMississaugaNiagara FallsNorth BayNorth YorkOshawaOttawaPeterborough PickeringThunder BayTorontoVaughanWaterlooWindsor