Canadian Express Collection Agency


Canadian Express Collection Agency Inc. 416-900-6036


Whitby Collection Agencies

Whitby, Ontario has a population of 122,022 people. The main industry in this Canadian city is steel and pharmaceuticals. With these types of businesses in the area, collection agencies are an important part of the Whitby landscape.

A company works hard to turn a profit and when a customer refuses to pay what they owe, it throws a wrench into the entire business process. A lot of time, energy and knowledge go into choosing the right products and services for your company and when a customer does not pay what they owe than you have wasted your efforts. Hiring a Whitby collection agency, you are giving your business the chance it deserves to prosper. Whitby collection agencies understand that there are various collection techniques that will work on each individual customer. Collection agents are a bit like psychologists in this respect. They know people and they know how to get them to do what they want them to do.

To Hire Whitby Collection Agencies save you time. When trying to collect your debts on your own, you are taking time away from your everyday business responsibilities. The more time you put into making collection calls and sending out collection letters, the more money you are losing by ignoring the real aspects of business you have to deal with. Your staff is not trained to collect bad debts but collection agencies in Whitby are.

Collection agents have a way with people. They know all the tricks of the trade and this gives them an edge on collecting. Also, people are more prone to yield to the will of a collection agent then they are to the business that they actually owe. Part of the reason for this is that collection agents seem more threatening to the common customer than anyone else does. This is why a Whitby collection agency is more likely to get your money for you. That, coupled with the fact that collection agents have all day long to make phone calls, the chances of you getting your money increase significantly.

Finally, Whitby collection agencies have experience in collecting bad debt and dealing with customers who refuse to make their promised payments. They know the rules of the collection game and they know how to talk to customers in a way that make them want to pay off their debt. Hiring a Whitby collection agency may be the only way to keep your business alive.

We collect your debt anywhere in Ontario including but not limited to these areas:
Greater Sudbury Brockville Cornwall Welland Woodstock Dryden Elliot Lake Kenora Temiskaming Shores Owen Sound

We also cover all the major cities in Ontario:

BarrieBramptonBrantfordBurlingtonCambridgeGuelphHamiltonKingstonKitchenerLondonMarkhamMississaugaNiagara FallsNorth BayNorth YorkOshawaOttawaPeterborough PickeringThunder BayTorontoVaughanWaterlooWindsor