Canadian Express Collection Agency


Canadian Express Collection Agency Inc. 416-900-6036


Windsor Collection Agencies

Windsor, Ontario has a population of 210,891 people. There is a diverse amount of industry in this large Canadian city. There are colleges, tourism, pharmaceuticals and retail businesses. This is why Windsor collection agencies are so necessary.

If you are wondering when the best time to get assistance with delinquent accounts is, then you have come to the right place. The answer to this question is that when a debt reaches 90 past the original due date, and the client is not making any effort to make even pieces of the payment, it is time to get assistance from a Windsor collection agency.

It is likely that by the time you have considered that you may need help from a Windsor debt recovery agency, that the client has already ignored several phone calls, letters, messages and other attempts to collect their debt. When it is clear that you are being ignored and not taken seriously, it is time to involve a Windsor collection agency to help you get your money. This will be the best chance that you have and if you let it go too long, chances of actually collecting will decrease.

There are several reasons why clients do not pay their debt. Some of the main examples of things that companies hear and Windsor collection agencies can help you with are:

  • “The product was not received so I will not pay.” If this is true there will be proof through package tracking and delivery conformation.
  • “I will send you an overnight check for payment.” Rarely does a check come.
  • “I do not have the money to pay.” This may be true, but if the client refuses to commit to a schedule for smaller payments, it is likely that they are not planning to pay you.

If any of the above has happened with any of your overdue clients, it is time to contact a Windsor collection agency. By doing this you will have a better chance of getting your money.  Windsor debt recovery agencies will be persistent in their fight to get your debt collected. They have all day to pursue overdue clients and they are very good at it. Having a trained professional working on your delinquent accounts frees you up to handle the things you really need to do – like run your business!

We collect your debt anywhere in Ontario including but not limited to these areas:
Peterborough Renfrew Simcoe Wellington Muskoka Arran-Elderslie Bayham Bluewater Brighton Brockton

We also cover all the major cities in Ontario:

BarrieBramptonBrantfordBurlingtonCambridgeGuelphHamiltonKingstonKitchenerLondonMarkhamMississaugaNiagara FallsNorth BayNorth YorkOshawaOttawaPeterborough PickeringThunder BayTorontoVaughanWaterlooWindsor